Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Annoying things about the internet.

Viruses, scams and spam

The information could usually have been presented much more accessibly on a web page. 

WrItInG In A MiXtUrE Of UpPEr CaSe AnD LoWeR CaSe
It's not useful, attractive or funny. How on earth did it take off?

Patently absurd abbreviations
While it's perfectly conceivable that the other person may indeed have LOL'd at your joke, one struggles to picture them ROFLMAOing, given that there was no break in their typing.

Websites that don't support a browser's back and forward features
We have become so accustomed to navigating with the two buttons, that it's difficult to manage without them.

1 comment:

  1. Another annoyance are the site who, when you've entered all your details, ask you to check a box saying that you've read their terms and conditions. That's not an annoyance in itself but the link to the terms and conditions does not open in a new tab so that when you use the back button to return to the form you find you have to enter all the information again.
